Burying the deceased in Islam


Islam has a unique style of building graves and cemeteries that is characterized by humility, simplicity and economy in costs and that avoids glorifying the dead with elaborate monuments.

It is of great importance that a special cemetery be devoted exclusively for the use of Muslims. Muslims may not be buried in the cemeteries of non-Muslims, nor can non-Muslims be buried in a Muslim cemetery.

The deceased should be buried in the locality in which he lived. It is undesirable to take the body to the person’s own country or to another city.

In Muslim cemeteries, there are two types of graves with a few variations internally:

  • Al-Shaqq:

is to make a deep vertical hole in the ground.

  • Al-Lahed:

is to make a deep vertical hole in the ground, then in the bottom make a side horizontal hole big enough to cover the whole body.

Both types are used, but it is preferable to use Al-Lahed if the land is solid.

However, there may be some variation in different countries depending on local soil type and local conditions.



The burial should be done as soon as possible after death, but the following times should be avoided:

Late at night, from sunrise until the sun is fully risen, at the zenith of the sun (the sun at the meridian), until it passes the meridian, when the sun pales before sunset until it has set.

During these times burying is prohibited unless there is an urgent necessity, according to the Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) that was narrated by (Muslim). 


  • It is important to observe workplace health and safety rules both for the family, friends and funeral directors.
  • Family members entering the grave to position the body, are advised to use a step ladder to enter and exit the grave.
  • Kindly note that carrying the Janaza and lowering into the ground is an Islamic requirement and that SAMFS Ltd is not responsible for any injuries sustained during this process by family, friends or volunteers.
  • A grave is dug 1.7m deep, enough to totally cover the body of the deceased
  • The grave should be always be perpendicular (horizontal) to the direction of Qiblah.
  • Only men are allowed to perform the burial.
  • All Muslims who are present should remember death, the hereafter, and that someday he too will be buried.
  • They should keep quiet (No talking unless it is necessary).
  • The deceased’s male relatives are expected to put the body in the grave.
  • The placing of the body in the grave should be carried out only by Muslim men.
  • A female is placed in her grave either by her sons, her father, her brothers, her uncle or by her husband.
  • The deceased’s body should be lowered to the grave from the rear of the grave (where the feet will be positioned).

Those who will be positioning the body of the deceased in the grave:

  1. Should not have had sexual intercourse with their wives the night before.
    According to the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Anas Ibn Malik related that : “During the burial of the daughter of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was sitting, tears coming out from his eyes, he asked us:” Who did not have sexual intercourse with his wife last night?” Abu Talha answered:” I, Prophet Muhammad “, then Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said to him:” You get down in the grave and lay her down” (Bukhari)
  2. upon entering the grave should say – Bismilllahiwa ala millati rasulil llah, which means:” In the name of Allah and in the faith of the Messenger of Allah”.

Body position in the grave:

The deceased’s body should rest on his right side, and should be close to the wall and supported so that the body will not fall back and the deceased’s face should be towards the Qiblah.

They should undo the tie on the head and the feet.

They should put above the body a layer of wood or big stones, so that earth will not be put directly on the body when they fill the grave with earth.

After the body is totally covered with the wood / stone, it is desirable to throw three handfuls of soil into the grave.

Then the grave should be filled with sand.

It is permissible to put a simple small headstone or sign on the grave to identify the grave.

It is also Sunnah to make the grave convex from sand, according to the Hadith that was reported by Sofyan who said: ” That I saw the grave of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is made convex” (Bukhari), convex out of sand.

Just after the burial, the deceased’s relatives may remain at the cemetery for a while and make Dua (supplicate) for the deceased, since he or she is being questioned by the Angels, soon after burial.

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in an authentic Hadith said: “Make Dua’ of Istighfar (supplicate for forgiveness) for your brother and request steadfastness for him because he is now being questioned ” (Authentic -Abu Dawood).