Statement of Intent
Statement of IntentÂ
Since Allah (SWT) only knows when and where you will die and Islamically you are to provide for your death as early as possible within your life when you are by the means.
Please do not wait until you have reached an old age to become a member but become part of the collective financial effort now in supporting each other in times of death.
Becoming a member of SA Muslim Funeral Services is with the full understanding that the intent is, at the time of death, to collectively support each other in meeting the financial funeral cost, for the rest of our lives and not only when you have reached an old age.
Allah SWT says to us in Quran (5:2) –
“And cooperate in righteousness and piety, but do not cooperate in sin and aggression.”
Considering the individual annual membership fee per year and the average funeral cost today it is estimated that it will take you more than 60 years to save this amount.