Funeral – Special Cases


The general principle regarding a stillborn is, if the foetus was dead in the uterus or was not alive at the time of birth then there is no Ghusl or Salatul Janaza.

Other opinions:

  1. If the foetus is less than four months old (Mother was pregnant for less than four months), then the foetus may not be washed; the foetus should be wrapped in a piece of white cloth and buried. Then there is no Salatul Janaza for this foetus.
  2. If the foetus is more than four months old (Mother was pregnant for more than four months), then the foetus may be washed, shrouded (Using one or two winding sheets to cover the whole body), and then Muslims have the choice whether to perform Salatul Janaza or not.


  1. Before reaching the age of puberty, a child may be washed by males or females. Shrouding a child for females use a shirt and two winding sheets and for males two or three winding sheets may be used.
  2. For those children who reached the age of puberty, they should be dealt with as an adult {Female child, like a female adult, and a male child, like a male adult}, and Salatul Janaza is to be performed.



The body of a Martyr should not be washed, nor be shrouded but buried with the same clothes that people found him with.

The strongest opinion of Muslim scholars is not to offer Salatul Janaza for martyrs since Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) did not offer it for the martyrs of the battle of Uhud.