Funeral Prayer (Salatul Janaza)


A divine service is held over the dead body of every Muslim, young or old, even of infants who have lived only a few minutes. When the soul leaves the body, preparations are made for bidding him or her the last farewell.

It is highly recommended that, after washing and shrouding the body of the deceased, the body not to be kept long, but rather taken as soon as possible, prayed for, and then buried.

Salatul Janaza is required to be performed in congregation to request pardon for and pray for the deceased.

It is preferable that Salatul Janaza be performed outside the Mosque or the Musallah (Prayer room), like in the Mosque activity rooms or courtyards.

Salatul Janaza is a collective obligation. A Muslim should not hesitate to participate in it, whether or not the deceased or his relatives are known to him.

Salatul Janaza is said silently, except the Takbeer and Tasleem. All conditions for regular Salah are required in Salatul Janaza such as Tahara, Wudhu, clean body and clothes, neeyah (intention), and facing the Qiblah.

There are specific times when it is prohibited to perform Salatul Janaza, unless it becomes necessary, due to the condition of the body, to perform it quickly and then bury the body.

These prohibited times are

  • From sunrise until the sun is fully risen
  • At the zenith of the sun (the sun at meridian), until it passes the meridian
  • From when the sun pales before sunset until it has set.


 Muslims should form a minimum of three lines facing the Qiblah. The one who leads the Salah is the leader or his deputy, or the deceased’s father.

If there is only one Muslim with the Imam, he should stand behind the Imam.

The body or bodies if more than one deceased, should be placed in front of the person who leads the prayer.

In case there are more than one deceased (males and females), then the female should be placed in the first row in the direction of the Qiblah, then the male in the following row, then the Imam.

For example: If there are -a deceased Muslim male, a female, a young girl, and a young boy, then behind the Qiblah, first place the body of the young girl, then the adult female, then the young boy, then the adult male, so the bodies are arranged in a way that female bodies are first, then the males.

The Imam should stand by the middle of a female body, and by the head for a male body, this is due to the Hadith in which Anas related that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) leading Salatul Janaza for a dead male, the Prophet (PBUH) stood in front of the deceased head, and for a dead female, the Prophet (PBUH) stood in front of the middle of her body. (Authentic-Abu Dawood). In another Hadith Samura bin Jundub said when Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) made Salatul Janaza for a dead Muslim female, he stood in front of her waist (Muslim).

Behind the Imam, males stand in lines, then children, then females.

There are NO Rukuh, Sujud, Athan, or Iqama.

  • Having the appropriate neeyah (Intention), raise your hands in the usual manner: 
  • Say “Allahu Akbar” 
  • Fold your right hand over the left hand in the usual manner 
  • Recite the Thana silently (for Shafi’i mathab -recite Surah Fateha) 
  • Then say: “Allahu Akbar” 
  • Then recite the Durood-e-Ibrahim 
  • Then say: “Allahu Akbar” 
  • Then make Dua’ (Supplicate) for the deceased 
  • Then say: “Allahu Akbar” 
  • The Imam will then make salam 
  • Then make Dua (supplicate) for all dead Muslims.

In the case of a dead baby or young child, make Dua (supplicate) for his or her parents.

Then say: “Assalamu alaikum”, like you say in other Salah. Tasleem is said twice for the Hanafi mazhab once for the others.


Salatul Janaza for the one who died far away is allowed.

To use a coffin (box) is usually not permissible, unless there is necessity to use it, such as the body of the deceased is damaged, or for health reasons, or when the grave is wet and cannot be dried.